Personal Investments
Begin Personal Investment Application
Continue Personal Investment Application
Ministry Investments
Begin Ministry Investment Application
Continue Ministry Investment Application
Loans for Congregations and ELCA-Related Ministries
Printable Applications
Review these eligibility requirements for investors.
Before applying to purchase an investment, an investor must be one of the following:
a congregation, organization, or institution that is related to the ELCA
a person who is a member or employee of, contributor to, or other participant in a congregation, organization, or institution that is part of or related to the ELCA
an ancestor, descendant, or successor in interest of such a person
Louisiana and South Carolina residents: Demand Investments are not available in your states. Kentucky residents: MIF investments are not available in your state. Maturing MIF investments cannot be renewed. Please read the Offering Circular before making any investment decisions.
Select a Purchase Application.
Term Investments:
Demand Investments:
Individual - Includes application for Mission Investment Fund Visa Debit Card
Ministries - The Visa debit card is not available to ministries
NOTE: Once you have completed the application, print a copy and mail it with a check for your initial investment to the Mission Investment Fund. Signature fields and dates in the Certification section are not interactive. Once completed, the PDF cannot be saved.
Retirement Savings Account and Education Account
Access the IRA Service Center to complete an online purchase application for a term investment that may be held as an investment for a Traditional or Roth IRA, SEP IRA, or a Coverdell Education Savings Account with UMB Bank, n.a., as custodian. Sign the forms and mail them to MIF with a check in the amount of your investment.
You can also download a Beneficiary Designation form.
Mail Your Application.
For new investments send the completed application and check to:*
Mission Investment Fund
PO Box 31070
Chicago, IL 60631-0070
*Remember to make a photocopy for your records of your completed Purchase Application(s) and Beneficiary Designation form(s).
Note: To add to an existing investment send checks to:
Mission Investment Fund, PO Box 31070, Chicago, IL 60631-0070
Continue Personal Investment Application
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Continue Ministry Investment Application
Add your email address and click Login to continue