Make the most of your building for your mission.
With our vast experience and our focus on church and ministry construction projects, the Mission Investment Fund is uniquely positioned to be a resource for your congregation or ministry. Throughout the building process, our regional managers and specialized lending team are equipped to be a trusted resource to guide you from the planning process through financing your building project.
As you plan your project, keep in mind these important considerations to ensure that your facilities will most effectively support your mission:
Building/Renovation Projects
Help your leadership understand the steps of a building program, the building process, project timeline and project budget.
Participate in the architectural process, and review conceptual/schematic design drawings, construction methods and building costs.
Facilities upgrades
Consider the first impressions visitors may have to your church or ministry facility, and enhance accessibility for persons of all ability levels.
Conduct a building assessment to address interior and exterior issues and ways to incorporate “green” building concepts.
Use of the building
Evaluate the current use of space, make suggestions and provide options for improvement.
Vision/plan for the future. Consider possibilities for growth and options for expansion.
Building Green
How we design and maintain our church buildings says a lot about our commitment to caring for God’s creation. As an organization that specializes in church building projects, the Mission Investment Fund is committed to helping build churches with sustainable features that will reduce their impact on the environment and yield energy savings.
Learn how your congregation can introduce earth-friendly and energy-efficient features into your facilities. Click on the videos below.

Green Tips
As Christians, we are called to care for God’s creation. As an organization that specializes in church building projects, the Mission Investment Fund is committed to helping build churches that incorporate sustainable features that will reduce their impact on the environment. In addition, investments in more earth-friendly and energy-efficient facilities will pay for themselves in energy savings. Such improvements also provide an immediate return in building reliability and improve the comfort and health of a church’s occupants.
Here are resources that will be helpful to congregations and ELCA-related ministries as they explore ways to be more energy efficient and earth friendly:
Reducing Energy and Water Consumption
Turn off the lights
Switch lights to use LED (light-emitting diode) light bulbs
Use lamps/individual lights for task lighting
Install fauct aerators
Perform an energy audit (these are free in some states - ask your local energy provider)
Buy renewable energy from your local energy provider
Landscape with native/drought-resistant plants
Establish a ride-sharing program to encourage carpooling (and regular worship attendance)
Improving a Building’s Energy Efficiency
Install a programmable thermostat
Install occupancy sensors to control lights
Install LED exit signs
Use ENERGY STAR(R) ceiling fans
Seal around windows and doors with caulk or weather-stripping
Reducing Waste and Using Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products
Put recycling bins in every room
Use reusable dishware
Buy sustainable paper products (bleach-free, 100% post-consumer recycled)
Buy earth-friendly cleaning products
MIF, ELCA and Interfaith Creation Care Resources
Here are resources developed by faith-based organizations to guide you and your ministry in your efforts to protect and restore God’s Creation.
Caring for Creation
A link to earthkeeping resources and the ELCA’s Social Statement on the Environment.http://lutheransrestoringcreation.org
This ELCA-related organization promotes care for creation by engaging dedicated stewards of God’s creation. Provides resources, promotes initiatives and offers networking opportunities to empower institutions of the ELCA to work toward care of creation with goals of deepening faith and revitalizing the life of the church.http://www.interfaithpowerandlight.org
Promotes renewable energy, energy efficiency and conservation for congregations. Offers a carbon footprint calculator, discounts for energy efficient products (compact fluorescent light bulbs, appliances, thermostats, etc.) and links to Interfaith Power and Light state affiliates.http://www.greenfaith.org
Provides leadership programs for individuals and religious institutions including a fellowship program on religious environmental leadership and the GreenFaith Certification Program, a comprehensive interfaith environmental certification for congregations.