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Personal Investments

Retirement. A college education for a child or grandchild. That dream vacation. Whatever you’re saving for, you can do it with an MIF investment.


Investing on behalf of a ministry?

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 Earn a truly exceptional return.

The money you invest with MIF funds building and renovation loans to ELCA congregations and ministries, expanding their capacity for ministry. Whether that means building or renovating a sanctuary, soup kitchen, daycare center or other facility, your investment in MIF will help share God’s love with the world.

Earn up to
$1,000 minimum investment
Choose a term from 1 to 6 years
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Term Investments

Fixed-rate investments, with a choice of terms and a minimum initial deposit of $1,000.



The Mission Investment Fund offers two kinds of Term Investments:


  • Terms of one to six years

  • Interest rate is fixed at the beginning of the term and remains in place for the full term

  • Interest is paid quarterly from date of investment and can be sent directly to you by check or automatically reinvested

  • No additions to principal may be made during the term


  • Similar to a jumbo CD, with minimum investment of $250,000

  • Terms are one, two or three years

  • Interest rate is set at the beginning of the term and remains in effect for the full term

Notes: For Fixed-Rate Term investments, minimum balances may vary, but may not be less than $1,000. MIF Investments not available in Kentucky.The State of Washington has adopted a regulatory interpretation that currently prevents MIF from offering and selling its investments to those residents of Washington who are not already holders of MIF Investments.

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Demand Investments 

Choose from two options: Demand Investment With Check Writing, an interest-bearing account, and Demand Investment No Check Writing, like a traditional savings account but with a higher, adjustable interest rate.



DEMAND INVESTMENT With Check Writing offers unlimited check-writing privileges and 24/7 access to your account through MIF Online. Interest rates are set in tiers, so the more you save, the more interest you earn. See our current rates »

  • Tier 1: $100 to $9,999

  • Tier 2: $10,000 to $24,999

  • Tier 3: $25,000 to $49,999

  • Tier 4: $50,000 to $99,999

  • Tier 5: $100,000 and above

Minimum initial deposit is $100, then add or withdraw as often as you like, as long as you maintain a $100 minimum balance.

This investment comes with an optional Visa® debit card that’s accepted anywhere you see the Visa®logo. Use it to make purchases or withdraw cash at ATMs. The Mission Investment Fund charges no fees for the debit card.

DEMAND INVESTMENT No Check Writing provides a simple, reliable way to save. 

  • Begin with minimum initial deposit of $100, add to your investment at any time

  • Make additional deposits of any amount at any time by check or electronic transfer

  • Funds can be redeemed in any amount once a month

 See our current rates »

The DEMAND INVESTMENT No Check Writing account may also be held as an investment in a Traditional or Roth Individual Retirement Account (IRA), or Coverdell Education Savings Account (CESA), with UMB Bank, n.a., Kansas City, Mo., as custodian. Check and debit card payments are accomplished by partial redemption of your Mission Investment Fund investment.

Notes: MIF Demand Investments are not available in Kentucky, Louisiana and South Carolina. The State of Washington has adopted a regulatory interpretation that currently prevents MIF from offering and selling its investments to those residents of Washington who are not already holders of MIF Investments.

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Similar to a savings account for young people under the age of 16.



MIF4KIDZ investments are specifically designed for children. Adults can purchase the investment before a minor’s 16th birthday. The investment matures at the age of majority of the minor, generally either 18 or 21, as defined by the Uniform Transfer to Minors Act in the state listed in the minor’s address at the time of opening.

  • Great way to set aside money for college or other needs

  • Teach children good stewardship and money management while connecting them to the life of the church

  • Ideal gifts for baptism, graduations, birthdays or Christmas

The minimum initial deposit is $50. Additional contributions of at least $25 may be made at any time. Interest is added to the principal quarterly. See our current rates »  

Note: MIF investments are not available in Kentucky. The State of Washington has adopted a regulatory interpretation that currently prohibits MIF from offering and selling its investments to those residents of Washington who are not already holders of MIF investments.

The application appears in fillable format on our website. Once you have completed the application, print a copy and mail it with a check for your initial investment to the Mission Investment Fund.

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Retirement Savings 

MIF Term Investments as well as our Demand Investment can be held as Traditional or Roth Individual Retirement Accounts.



Planning is key to enjoying a secure retirement, and the Mission Investment Fund offers a variety of investments ideal for retirement savings.

Retirement Central provides practical planning tools to help you achieve financial security in retirement. 

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Education Account

All Term Investments and Demand Investment No Check Writing accounts may be held as Coverdell Education Savings Account.



With an MIF Education Account, you can invest in the future of a child, tax-deferred and federal tax-free if the funds are used for qualified education expenses.


 Investments for Individuals FAQs

  • Are MIF investments insured?

    • The Mission Investment Fund is not a bank or credit union and is not eligible to be insured by any federal or state regulatory agency (such as FDIC or NCUA). Our strong capital ratio of nearly 27% is many times higher than regulators’ requirements. This exceptional financial position offers security to our investors and helps assure our ability to meet our obligations.

      If you are interested in an insured investment, please consider our financial partner, the ELCA Federal Credit Union. The Credit Union’s deposit accounts are federally insured up to $250,000 by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA).

  • Where is my money invested?

    • Funds invested in MIF by congregations and their members, synods and ministries are used to make loans to ELCA ministries for capital projects such as new church buildings, additions and renovations.

  • Do MIF investments have fees or penalties?

  • How do I apply for a debit card? Who is eligible for a debit card?

    • Personal investors may apply for a Visa® debit card when they complete an application for an MIF Demand investment account. MIF does not offer debit cards to congregational or ministry investors.

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Mission Investment Fund investments are subject to certain risks. See "Risk Factors" in the MIF Offering Circular. MIF investments are not bank accounts. As securities issued by a nonprofit institution, the investments are not insured by FDIC, SIPC or any other federal or state regulatory agency. The securities are sold only by means of the Offering Circular. This is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the securities described here.